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11 357 000 rakibe, 1 013 oyunda meydan okuyun.
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Her ay 8 280 000 oyun oynanıyor
42 dilde ve 200'den fazla ülkede mevcut.
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Yeni oyunları öğrenin veya en sevdiğiniz oyunlarda becerilerinizi geliştirin, hepsi kendi hızınızda.
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Müthis oyunlar sadece senin icin !
Dünün ve bugünün en iyi oyunları, çevrimiçi oynanabilsin diye uyarlanmıştır.
Carcassonne, Coloretto, Kahuna, Alhambra, Lost Cities, Race for the Galaxy, Can't Stop, Stone Age, Puerto Rico, Amyitis, Haggis, Tobago, Uncle Chestnut Table Gype, Troyes, Diam's, Hawaii, Dragonheart, Sabotajcı, China Gold, intheyearofthedragon, Color Pop, Gomoku, Caylus, Seasons, United Square, Gygès, Jaipur, The Boss, Reversi, Maça Kızı
Hepsine bak
Takenoko, Niagara, Quarto, K2, Expedition: Northwest Passage, Quoridor, Tournay, Battle Sheep, Yahtzee, Cinco, Tavla, Senet, Machiavelli, Libertalia, Neutreeko, Perudo, Nautilus, Koi-Koi, P.I., Pylos, elfenland, djambi, gearnpiston, kabaleo, Targi, Thermopyles, Isaac, Checkers, Sobek, Hive, Tzolk'in, Chess, Spyrium, Tokaido, Time Masters, armadora, The Jelly Monster Lab, Hex, 6 nimmt!, Twin Tin Bots, Kalah, Through the Ages, 8 Masters' Revenge, Koryŏ, Hanabi, Polis: Fight for Hegemony, Tash-Kalar, Quantum, assyria, The Palaces of Carrara, Florenza: The Card Game, Lords of Xidit, Noir: Killer versus Inspector, Colt Express, Metromania, Dark Agent, Le Dernier Peuple, Bombay, Battle of LITS, Xiangqi, Keyflower, Ağaç kesicisi, dungeontwister, Evo: The “Game no Name”, aknile, fourcolorcards, madeira, Love Letter, crazyfarmers, hacktrick, jumpgate, belote, Ohel, dragonline, KQJ, inventors, akeruption, Celestia, Nippon, Go, Remember When, Bubblee Pop, caribbeanallfours, Secret Moon, russianrailroads, Nine Men's Morris, Tablut, Lines of Action, Incan Gold, Alveole, Takara Adası, lewisclark, Stir Fry Eighteen, The Builders: Middle Ages, gaia, veggiegarden, outlaws, Coup, The Battle for Hill 218, Amiral Battı Kağıt & Kalem, origin, Innovation, rollforthegalaxy, Ice Cold Ice Hockey, khronos, Terra Mystica, Solo, Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon, Signorie, krosmasterarena, taluva, hypnosia, Dice Forge, frenchtarot, guildes, eminentdomain, 7 Wonders, Buttons, briscola, ruhr, thebuildersantiquity, pennypress, blooms, pontedeldiavolo, toc, Not Alone, Clans of Caledonia, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, Miller's Hollow Kurt Adamları, For Sale, kingsguild, Kingdomino, Circle of Life, Siam, Dragon Castle, saintpoker, palace, skat, La Granja, GORami, nxs, sapiens, mammalath, finity, Yokohama, Red7, ginkgopolis, Sushi Go!, Exploration: Warzone, veletas, ninetynine, Teotihuacan: City of Gods, marram, Potion Explosion, Papayoo, rallymangt, Yokai, Con Sonar!, Bobail, bigtimesoccer, Connect Four, Marrakech, ToeShamBo, hungariantarokk, coinche, Whist 22, teatime, City of the Big Shoulders, president, Downforce, Santorini, barbu, kulami, dingosdreams, The Voyages of Marco Polo, 99 (kart ekleme oyunu), Lucky Numbers, Room 25, Bandido, CuBirds, Small Islands, flamingpyramids, Cribbage, Soluna, unconditionalsurrender, Butterfly, klaverjassen, Coonect6, Turn the tide, trekkingtheworld, offtherails, Lanetli Ada, Kingdom Builder, Yin Yang, Saint Petersburg, chakra, kami, fistfulofgold, krosmasterblast, steamworks, Quantik, Mr. Jack, tichu, Thurn and Taxis, Martian Dice, Cacao, Batak, geekoutmasters, pinochle, Solar Storm, Fleet, illustori, quetzal, Keşif Gezegen 9 Görevi, ageofinnovation, Biyi, Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan, Dungeon Roll, ohseven, boomerangaustralia, dicesummoners, luxor, Piraten kapern, pedro, handandfoot, meadow, Via Magica, grosstarock, indianchief, 7 Wonders Duel, Welcome To New Las Vegas, Automobiles, nangaparbat, emdomicrocosm, solowhist, Crime Zoom: A Dirty Objective, lettertycoon, Mapmaker: The Gerrymandering Game, Concept, Carcassone: Avcılar ve Toplayıcılar, Haiclue, thrive, justdesserts, Mijnlieff, dungeonpetz, Phat, Carnegie, Dinosaur Tea Party, caravan, El Grande, rage, balloonpop, Schrödinger's Cats, Herooj, one, No Thanks!, Welcome to, Grand Bazaar, liverpoolrummy, Birlik, myfirstcastlepanic, blueskies, Res Arcana, Draftosaurus, Bids, Ejder Avcıları, 13 Clues, homesteaders, Jekyll vs. Hyde, rolledwest, Murus Gallicus, restinpeace, BANG!, Dice Hospital, Zener, wizard, theninedomains, veronatwist, Oriflamme, trickoftherails, texasholdem, lineae, herrlof, Abyss, Fluxx, quinque, Medina, Tranquility, Vulture Culture, Paris Connection, chicagoexpress, hoarders, Once Upon A Forest, getthemacguffin, sheepboombah, Senshi, detectivepoker, hardback, sparts, baolakiswahili, Abalone, superfantasybrawl, Alev, queenskings, calypso, Hugo, Onitama, Nidavellir, Skull, Railroad Ink, nainjaune, Uptown, Go Nuts for Donuts, penaltychallenge, Beyond the Sun, Pingimus, Lost Ruins of Arnak, Pandemic, Viticulture, Codex Naturalis, conspiracy, paniclab, Mattock, The Castles of Burgundy, forex, monsterfactory, That's Life!, Splendor, Iwari, chinesecheckers, sevens, Happy City, Gopher, Bug, LLAMA, sobektwoplayers, crazyeights, cloudcity, Trek 12, goldwest, fifteendays, Burgle Bros., egocentricworld, durak, newfrontiers, epizodiak, Linkage, troyesdice, Yamalı Yorgan, Boomerang: Europe, Boomerang: USA, spiritsoftheforest, coinage, Cardiceo, Abandon All Artichokes, Chocolate Factory, Space Base, kingofthepitch, Agricola, heroesofhellas, Great Western Trail, canosa, faifo, troggu, talon, starfluxx, King of Tokyo, riftforce, guile, Factum, lostexplorers, railwaysoftheworld, Tapestry, mascarade, Dodo, pyramidpoker, District Noir, dicedtomatoes, minnesotawhist, evl, bossquest, nicodemus, sensei, Azul, Dobble, Art Decko, castlesofcaleira, Stella – Dixit Universe, riichimahjong, Basitlik, Clash of Decks, mercadodelisboaste, Similo, Number Drop, Century: Spice Road, deus, A Feast for Odin, The Crew: Mission Deep Sea, almadi, Can't Stop Express, ultimaterailroads, buyword, Space Empires: 4X, scopa, ladyandthetiger, theisleofcats, Imhotep, Gaia Project, steamrollers, glow, mue, ladyschoice, pente, silo, Citadels, zola, Chromino, kmakici, bigmonster, samarkand, Living Forest, imtheboss, tumbleweed, zooloretto, Shifting Stones, homeworlds, bahamataxi, pyrgos, Las Vegan, 7 Wonders Architects, Blood Rage, chimerastation, Loco Momo, trusis, themotherroad, rainbow, morocco, tinyfarms, icebreaker, fruitpicking, tigriseuphrates, yaniv, Just One, Little Factory, Worldwide Tennis, CATAN, twinpalms, Ticket to Ride, scriptoria, Narabi, tucano, vektorace, Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done, Kopenhag, commanderchess, piereighteen, arcticscavengers, vegetables, noah, minhwatu, hydroracers, trellis, roppyakken, Memoir '44, Sushi Go Party!, Farm Club, Ice and the Sky, krakenup, Fairy Trails, Robots Ate Our Pizza, heckinhounds, splito, tinnerstrail, Next Station: London, Rive, hoola, Get on Board: New York & London, oust, Betta, cephalopod, coupell, rollingpins, kingdoms, Bärenpark, Break the Code, seikatsu, redstone, babydinosaurrescue, dragonbridge, jumpdrive, soulaween, It's a Wonderful World, draftcider, Fractal, yokaiseptet, dicethemepark, Evergreen, strands, Gangsta!, gardennation, Barrage, pugsinmugs, spacestationphoenix, Regicide, regidice, Lifeline, MOW, dinnerinparis, ekonos, Yoxii, Tic-Tac Match, Dots and Boxes, War Chest, lamarcheducrabe, rollandbump, Konane, raubbau, Good Cop Bad Cop, tinyepicdefenders, Nova Luna, laserreflection, Sea Salt & Paper, Go Fish, ghostathome, Wingspan, hadron, impasse, greatsplit, tienlen, Obsession, quintus, artthief, tinyturbocars, megalomania, herd, My Shelfie, Look at the Stars, dronesvsseagulls, meridians, streets, Villagers, capereurope, Gang Of Dice, My City, Blackjack, diablo, Caverna, tranquilitytheascent, dontgointhere, metro, Super Mega Lucky Box, gizmos, microdojo, thegnomesofzavandor, tiwanaku, catcafe, perikles, dicehospitaler, vidrasso, rallymandirt, Challengers!, seotda, Flume, bandada, None Shall Pass!, Hokito, cosmosempires, sasaki, vaalbara, cubosaurs, Coins, painttheroses, mechadream, Eriantys, riftvalleyreserve, lostseas, fightthelandlord, lumen, lielow, rauha, ageofcivilization, Mod Ten, setup, Earth, zefiria, turncoats, sixtyone, nylonppong, splashdown, Photosynthesis, Diceathlon, Anachrony, mapsofmisterra, bamboozle, twentyfourseven, Go Goa, thefoxintheforest, triatri, Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe, shogun, Gift of Tulips, astra, Tuned, colorflush, rollintotown, Tang Hu Lu, rainforest, boop., applejack, AVES, Ark Nova, Spots, Stockpile, reflectionsinthelookingglass, Next Station: Tokyo, architectsofthewestkingdom, bunnykingdom, Roll to the Top: Journeys, Trio, Dog Lover, blockarena, hadara, legendraiders, oasis, Qawale, ticketgagnant, okanagan, Exit Strategy, thegreatamericanfoxhunt, spiteandmalice, lineit, Big Two, volto, Akropolis, Hanamikoji, allin, Decrypto, Pocket Cats, evolution, getonboardparisrome, sakura, mindup, thirtyone, golf, mia, pokerdice, Sayı, sagani, Farkle, empireplateau, Divercité, cucco, digupadventure, elawa, afterus, knockoutwhist, expeditions, cucumber, bloodyinn, skatelegend, fika, daybreak, ontour, crypt, Knarr, isleoftrainsallaboard, Turing Machine, Trike, germanwhist, sergeantmajor, starshipmerchants, toepen, ageofchampagne, pook, mighty, envelopesofcash, sahwari, tortugasixteensixtyseven, openfacechinesepoker, divideetimpera, colorado, hadrianswall, timelinetwist, dobbleconnect, goldblivion, rummy, wastelandia, quibbles, nap, twotenjack, vault, perfectwords, 12 Chip Trick, canvas, ecarte, schnapsen, kingsinthecorner, cairn, euchre, wizardsgrimoire, neom, Forest Shuffle, Now Boarding, terranova, Stupor Mundi, zuuli, Dracula vs Van Helsing, humanity, bagofchips, praga, ancientknowledge, amalfi, Pax Pamir: Second Edition, ginrummy, Xxung, Botanik, thattimeyoukilledme, quirkyquarks, 101: Maç, Piepmatz, mycityrb, moonriver, newyorkzoo, Faraway, ynarosfallin, DVONN, letscatchthelion, fortytwo, Heat: Pedal to the Metal, threethousandscoundrels, orionduel, dogpark, Sky Team, tholos, Oxono, mastersofrenaissance, linx, mutantcrops, Framework, planetunknown, thewaytojuliet, biomos, shogi, Donuts, caboodle, Ticket to Ride: Europe, thewolves, romirami, Splendor Duel, maracaibo, eightyeight, dominoes, inverteddice, Vault: A Den of Thieves, Altered, paxrenaissance, Azul: Yaz Pavyonu, wonderfulkingdom, Pond, bayonetsandtomahawks, Gosu X, Kaptan Flip, flipfreighters, Hens, Mars'ı Dünyalaştırma, unrest, federation, grumblestone, foreverhome, openseason, undergrove, leroydesribauds, valeofeternity, Flowers, boreal, wordtraveler, theshipwreckarcana, Exploding Kittens, Mandala, treos, cannonades, Pixies, hiddenleaders, Mojo, nimalia, Solstis, mythicbattlesragnarok, mlem, Alakablast, trailblazers, looot, cheeztricks, goblinhood, quattuorreges, Glass Road, battlespiritssaga, SpellBook, minirogue, fourgardens, mate, eck, rivervalleyglassworks, goldncrash, Kızma Birader, quartermastergeneraleastfront, thebrambles, aurum, flowersmandalagame, hund, auntiemildred, coalbaron, quato, draftandwriterecords, Nacho Pile, grund, chemicaloverload, maatatahay, sevenknightsbewitched, dobro, Beşikten mezara, gostop, amazonas, stonks, Fromage, roadtothreehoundred, micromidgard, Sherlock 13, Newton, crisps, thefoxintheforestduet, fivethreefive, Tikal, Distilled, highseason, bacon, catinthebox, khiva, tapas, golems, smallworld, Forks:2. sürüm, greasyspoon, dickory, metz, festivibes, nextstationparis, riverofgold, danceofmuses, Kuzey Kaşifleri, takenokolor, Scythe, circleoflifesavannah, megajackpot, Harmonies, Slide, enemyanemone, fibonachos, springcleaning, lunar, golfie, lure, zookeepers, dicycards, pescadonovo, claim, thelast, Path of Civilization, Castle Combo, onda, Çözüm, confusinglands, Middle Ages, festival, finca, Qango, ratjack, belladonebluff, parklife, Cookie Addict!, dinogenics, canasta, expressions, aniversus, powervacuum, diamonds, batalladecoronas, strawberrysunset, blot, zenith, Mountain Goats, A Gest of Robin Hood, insidejob, Harvest, norsemen, cosmoctopus, sail, personanongrata, Gnome Hollow, tulipandrose, Bonzai, capybarancapybara, Odicey, botanicus, grovesolitaire, forage, nanatoridori, orchard, cairocorridor, odin, inori, gammelogic, lepidoptery, fornorthwood, naishi, bauer, Orléans, fivetribes, arctic, darwinsjourney, dungeonrummy, kiriaitheduel, eternitium, theyellowhouse, girafferaffe, kamon, karvi, umbrella, letsgotojapan, kingoftokyoduel, safariwitness, revive, ekko, gemsofiridescia, coffee, Survive The Island, potionsofazerland, elpasogwt, kado, fiftyfirststate, rumbleplanet, mexica, knister, stalkexchange, theittybittycardgame, superstore, refuge, pentaquest, bunnyboom, beerbread, resist, pyramidoft, splitter, pacifica, stonespinearchitects, dedale, architectsofamytis, pandaspin, ratsofwistar, quartzdice, deadcells, ninjan, choconnect, quadratacanada, theguildofmerchantexplorers, battlegammon, nibble, azulduel, mindcycling, arboretum, dicedveggies, piratesofmaracaibo, monsterhex, bower, twinkletwinkle, paperworld, kingscraft, thewhitecastle, pioneerdaysproject, shutthebox, livingforestduel, mythicalstheboardgame, symbiose, dicepyramid
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Jan 2016
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Chaz Marler
Dec 2016
BGA has digital board games you won't find anywhere else.
Dave Neumann
Jan 2016
Drei Klicks zum Spielstart.
Jan Drewitz
2014 - Fairplay #9
Allez vous entrainer sur BGA, et foutre la patée à tous vos potes.
Dr Mops
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Dünyanın en büyük kutu oyunları sitesine katılın.
Board Game Arena, dünyanın en büyük çevrimiçi tahta oyun hizmetidir.
11 ünlü kutu oyununda meydan okumak için 1 milyondan fazla rakip.
Carcassonne, Coloretto, Kahuna, Alhambra, Lost Cities, Race for the Galaxy ve daha pek çok şey oynamaya gel!
Bu uygulama, bir Android uygulaması içindeki Board Game Arena oyun hizmetini sunmaktadır. İsterseniz, daha iyi bir uygulama yapmak için onu adım adım optimize edeceğiz, bu yüzden lütfen destekleyin :)
Gerçek zamanlı ya da tur-bazlı.
Yolda veya yemek molanızda?
Ev sakin mi ?
Yalnız mı arkadaşlarla mı?
Kendi hizindan bir oyun oyna :)
Acemi mi, uzman mı?
Keşfet ve Ustalaş.
Yeni oyunları öğrenin veya en sevdiğiniz oyunlarda becerilerinizi geliştirin, hepsi kendi hızınızda.
Yeni bir meydan okumaya mı ihtiyacınız var? Sıralanmış oyunlara katılın ve yeni zorluklarla tanışın! En iyi oyuncular saflarda yükselir!
Not: Mevcut oyun listesinin en son sürümüne buradan erişilebilir:
Carcassonne, Coloretto, Kahuna, Alhambra, Lost Cities, Race for the Galaxy, Can't Stop, Stone Age, Puerto Rico, Amyitis, Haggis, Tobago, Uncle Chestnut Table Gype, Troyes, Diam's, Hawaii, Dragonheart, Sabotajcı, China Gold, intheyearofthedragon, Color Pop, Gomoku, Caylus, Seasons, United Square, Gygès, Jaipur, The Boss, Reversi, Maça Kızı, Takenoko, Niagara, Quarto, K2, Expedition: Northwest Passage, Quoridor, Tournay, Battle Sheep, Yahtzee, Cinco, Tavla, Senet, Machiavelli, Libertalia, Neutreeko, Perudo, Nautilus, Koi-Koi, P.I., Pylos, elfenland, djambi, gearnpiston, kabaleo, Targi, Thermopyles, Isaac, Checkers, Sobek, Hive, Tzolk'in, Chess, Spyrium, Tokaido, Time Masters, armadora, The Jelly Monster Lab, Hex, 6 nimmt!, Twin Tin Bots, Kalah, Through the Ages, 8 Masters' Revenge, Koryŏ, Hanabi, Polis: Fight for Hegemony, Tash-Kalar, Quantum, assyria, The Palaces of Carrara, Florenza: The Card Game, Lords of Xidit, Noir: Killer versus Inspector, Colt Express, Metromania, Dark Agent, Le Dernier Peuple, Bombay, Battle of LITS, Xiangqi, Keyflower, Ağaç kesicisi, dungeontwister, Evo: The “Game no Name”, aknile, fourcolorcards, madeira, Love Letter, crazyfarmers, hacktrick, jumpgate, belote, Ohel, dragonline, KQJ, inventors, akeruption, Celestia, Nippon, Go, Remember When, Bubblee Pop, caribbeanallfours, Secret Moon, russianrailroads, Nine Men's Morris, Tablut, Lines of Action, Incan Gold, Alveole, Takara Adası, lewisclark, Stir Fry Eighteen, The Builders: Middle Ages, gaia, veggiegarden, outlaws, Coup, The Battle for Hill 218, Amiral Battı Kağıt & Kalem, origin, Innovation, rollforthegalaxy, Ice Cold Ice Hockey, khronos, Solo, Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon, Signorie, krosmasterarena, taluva, hypnosia, Dice Forge, frenchtarot, guildes, eminentdomain, 7 Wonders, Buttons, briscola, ruhr, thebuildersantiquity, pennypress, blooms, pontedeldiavolo, toc, Not Alone, Clans of Caledonia, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, Miller's Hollow Kurt Adamları, For Sale, kingsguild, Kingdomino, Circle of Life, Siam, Dragon Castle, saintpoker, palace, skat, La Granja, GORami, nxs, sapiens, mammalath, finity, Yokohama, Red7, ginkgopolis, Sushi Go!, Exploration: Warzone, veletas, ninetynine, Teotihuacan: City of Gods, marram, Potion Explosion, Papayoo, rallymangt, Yokai, Con Sonar!, Bobail, bigtimesoccer, Connect Four, Marrakech, ToeShamBo, hungariantarokk, coinche, Whist 22, teatime, City of the Big Shoulders, president, Downforce, Santorini, barbu, kulami... ve dahası!