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#124577: "Fires lit not correctly counted"
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• Kuralların hangi kısmına BGA adaptasyonu tarafından saygı gösterilmedi
In this game, my opponent has 3 fires lit by the end of the game, but the game scored it as 4• Kural ihlali oyun tekrarında görünür mü? Eğer evet ise, hangi hareket numarası?
Yes. Violation visible at move 54, end of game• Hangi browseri kullaniyorsun?
Rapor geçmişi
kittenwhiskerz • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
May 22 nd 2024 2:02 • This is the first time I’ve noticed this exact problem, but I have noticed the game counting the number of fires lit incorrectly before, but only in the scoring of the butterfly or ladybug spirits. I will probably file a separate bug report for that later
malgalin • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
May 28 th 2024 5:30 • I have seen this bug with butterflies (and have added to that ticket previously), but just now saw this with no butterfly.
See table 518057917, only 3 lit fires, but 4 counted. Pink 8 should not be counted as lit.
See table 518057917, only 3 lit fires, but 4 counted. Pink 8 should not be counted as lit.
malgalin • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
May 31 st 2024 8:38 • Actually - I don't think this is a bug - Purple 5 and 6 combine to create an additional fire if you manage to play them both. This is likely just a misunderstanding of the number of fires possible - I only just noticed it myself.
Yliek Kadrek • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Tem 24 th 2024 22:06 • Same problem at table 541523721 : at the end, I have 2 fires connected at the bottom, and one non connected (Pink 8, like malgalin). I have also played a ladybug.
I have 2 points for the ladybug (right) but 3 for the lit fires (wrong : it must be only 2).
I have 2 points for the ladybug (right) but 3 for the lit fires (wrong : it must be only 2).
Kita14 • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Ağu 7 th 2024 8:27 • #546836441 same probleme - 4 fires connected not be counted for me - but for my adversary yes - he won by mistake counted fires.
#545238664 same - 1 fire not be counted for my adversary
#545231916 same - fire not be counted for my adversary
#545238664 same - 1 fire not be counted for my adversary
#545231916 same - fire not be counted for my adversary
Kita14 • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Ağu 7 th 2024 12:21 • Again fires not be counted at final game. Victlry to the bad player... table #546894771
Kita14 • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Ağu 8 th 2024 11:51 • #547288217 : Again fire not be counted
Yliek Kadrek • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Ağu 26 th 2024 20:39 • Same here: table=553915511. And the butterfly score is also wrong (also 1 point up the real score).
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