Bütün Raporlar
golfie_displayed Raporlar
#136391: "Use $-variables in text templates instead of splitting sentence into different text templates"
implemented: Bu öneri uygulandı
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Öneri: Bence aşağıdakiler oyunun uygulanmasını büyük ölçüde artıracaktı.
Detayli tanim
• Lütfen önerinizi tam ve net olarak açıklayın, böylece ne demek istediğinizi mümkün olduğunca kolay anlayabiliriz.
This suggestion helps to translate the texts of the game into many different languages:
For sentences like "Thomas completed the hole in 5 strokes", you currently use several different text templates:
player_name AND "completed the hole in" AND "strokes"
Volunteer translators are therefore translation these text templates separate, e.g. German: "strokes" = "Schläge". But the whole sentence in German would be "Thomas hat das Loch in 5 Schlägen geschafft".
Please use one single text template, e.g.:
"${player_name} completed the hole in ${number_strokes} strokes"
This helps tranlation the whole sentence and the translator can place the $-variables at the position that best fits in the target language. (in this example: "${player_name} hat das Loch in ${number_strokes} Schlägen geschafft")
Same with "got a":
Instead of player_name + "got a" + "lost ball", please use text templates like "${player_name} got a ${lost_ball}" and "${player_name} got a ${combo}"
When you use separate text templates for different object (lost ball and combo), it allows to translate the word "a" using the correct gender, which is based on the following word (lost_ball and combo have different gramatical gender in some languages). In German: "a lost ball" = "einen Aus-Ball", but "a combo" = "eine Kombo".
• Hangi browseri kullaniyorsun?
Google Chrome v128
Rapor geçmişi
Thomas • Bu öneri henüz geliştiriciler tarafından analiz edilmedi:
Eyl 1 st 2024 12:13 • F5 (refresh) does not solve this problem, it must be fixed by the developer, as he/she defines the text templates, and the volunteer translators can only work around using ugly constructs.
vincentcroquette • Bu öneri uygulandı:
Mar 8 th 2025 23:22 • It has just been implemented. However, it might not display properly due to an ongoing issue with translation rendering.
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