Bütün Raporlar
Miller's Hollow Kurt Adamları Raporlar
#14388: "If all players abstain, no need for a second voting"
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Öneri: Bence aşağıdakiler oyunun uygulanmasını büyük ölçüde artıracaktı.
Detayli tanim
• Lütfen önerinizi tam ve net olarak açıklayın, böylece ne demek istediğinizi mümkün olduğunca kolay anlayabiliriz.
Currently there are two rounds of voting if there is a tie in the first. But when everyone abstains and there is a tie to 1 vote for each player, adding a second round of voting is not necessary. It would save a bit of time if this second voting is skipped in this scenario.
• Hangi browseri kullaniyorsun?
Google Chrome v79
Rapor geçmişi
aghagh • Bu öneri henüz geliştiriciler tarafından analiz edilmedi:
Şub 5 th 2020 20:34 • Obviously, if everyone abstains but there is no tie (Crow, captain, etc), then someone will die and no need for a second voting either.
If someone votes to their right neighbor it would not be abstaining, so the second voting would be triggered.
If there is a tie to everyone receiving 1 vote due to crossed votes (and not because of abs), then the second voting would also be needed.
Please note this is different than issue 13858, which suggests to treat all abs as no-votes.
If someone votes to their right neighbor it would not be abstaining, so the second voting would be triggered.
If there is a tie to everyone receiving 1 vote due to crossed votes (and not because of abs), then the second voting would also be needed.
Please note this is different than issue 13858, which suggests to treat all abs as no-votes.
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