Bütün Raporlar
theguildofmerchantexplorers_displayed Raporlar
#159636: ""Explore up to 3 spaces in a straight line adjacent to 2 different villages" does not work"
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Kural: Oyunun bir kurali bu oyunda ihlal edildi
Detayli tanim
• Kuralların hangi kısmına BGA adaptasyonu tarafından saygı gösterilmedi
As per the rule book:
"With the "Explore up to 3 spaces in
a straight line adjacent to 2 different
villages" card, you could explore from
a village that you discovered as a part
of this explore action."
"You can always explore from your
capital space, which behaves as a village
for explore actions but does not count
as a village for goals."
As the first action in the game, the adaptation either does not count the capital as a village, or does not allow to discover a new village with this action.• Kural ihlali oyun tekrarında görünür mü? Eğer evet ise, hangi hareket numarası?
The Age I card is drawn as the very first action. Player Wouz plays the "Explore up to 3 spaces in a straight line adjacent to 2 different villages" card. Player Wouz cannot place any cubes.• Hangi browseri kullaniyorsun?
Mozilla v5
Rapor geçmişi
Şub 27 th 2025 18:54 •
BoucleMed • Hata geliştiriciler tarafından onaylandı:
Mar 3 rd 2025 14:49 • Hi, thanks for reproting. I am waiting an answer from the editor on this point.
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