#160929: "Skeleton cannot be use on the castle to take back a troop "
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On the first/begginner map, I put my skeleton on the castle, to take back on of my troop.• Bu oyun eylemini tetiklemek için ne yapmaya çalışıyorsun?
• Bunu yapmaya çalıştığınızda ne oldu (hata mesajı, oyun durum çubuğu mesajı, ...)?
I could draw two extra cards of the skeleton effect but the castle effect didn't trigger so I couldn't take one of my troop back. No error message occured.• Hangi browseri kullaniyorsun?
Google Chrome v133
Rapor geçmişi
On this game it was on the coup 26
(it's written in the description of the mode... and it's the same with all the troops... not just the skeleton)
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