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Cribbage Raporlar
#34723: "Card was played twice"
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• Kuralların hangi kısmına BGA adaptasyonu tarafından saygı gösterilmedi
A card was played twice from my hand somehow.• Kural ihlali oyun tekrarında görünür mü? Eğer evet ise, hangi hareket numarası?
Yes, at move number 29 and 31.• Hangi browseri kullaniyorsun?
Mozilla v5
Rapor geçmişi
Jimblefredberry • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Şub 22 nd 2021 11:26 • Somehow, I played a 5 of spades twice from my hand. I had a legal play, but my previous move was playing the 5 of spades was somehow repeated and this was counted as my go. You can start the replay of this table at move 28 to see what happens.
I wonder if this was some sort of server issue though, although potentially there is something that you can add to the code to prevent playing a card that does not actually exist in a player's hand.
I wonder if this was some sort of server issue though, although potentially there is something that you can add to the code to prevent playing a card that does not actually exist in a player's hand.
Spoky22 • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Nis 6 th 2021 3:47 • Happened in my game as well around move 57 on table 161736732. The 2 of hearts was played a second time.
ddturnerphd • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Eyl 6 th 2021 11:04 • Same happened during this game too
mvp • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Nis 8 th 2022 1:49 • Same thing happened in this game: Table #257110161
Moves 18 and 20
It happened while my opponent was offline.
Moves 18 and 20
It happened while my opponent was offline.
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