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#36681: "Using the supply action only increases the die by 1 not by 2"
notupdated: Bu rapor otomatik olarak kapatıldı çünkü uzun süre oy kullanmadıgi yada yorum yapilmadigi icin
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Kural: Oyunun bir kurali bu oyunda ihlal edildi
Detayli tanim
• Kuralların hangi kısmına BGA adaptasyonu tarafından saygı gösterilmedi
Supply: The player immediately increases the value of any coal die on any coal storage space along the river by 2 (up to a maxi-mum of 6)• Kural ihlali oyun tekrarında görünür mü? Eğer evet ise, hangi hareket numarası?
I believe move 151• Hangi browseri kullaniyorsun?
Mozilla v5
Rapor geçmişi
Carillons • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Mar 20 th 2021 7:44 • I believe it also occurred in game 154235197.
Sourisdudesert • Bu rapor otomatik olarak kapatıldı çünkü uzun süre oy kullanmadıgi yada yorum yapilmadigi icin:
Mar 20 th 2022 12:16 • Report closed automatically because it has not been upvoted or commented for a while.
Your bug has probably been fixed already, or was linked to a temporary failure of BGA service.
In any case, when filling a bug report, make sure to have an explicit title linked to the incident (ex: with error message), so other players can recognize it and vote for it.
Your bug has probably been fixed already, or was linked to a temporary failure of BGA service.
In any case, when filling a bug report, make sure to have an explicit title linked to the incident (ex: with error message), so other players can recognize it and vote for it.
LeBörsch • Bu rapor otomatik olarak kapatıldı çünkü uzun süre oy kullanmadıgi yada yorum yapilmadigi icin:
Kas 23 rd 2022 21:33 • This is no bug, the rule is correct. In the last round, supply and wage is reduced to 1.
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