Bütün Raporlar
Lost Ruins of Arnak Raporlar
#39268: "The Game is not all loaded at the start/beginning"
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I see A very Little piece from game, two things and the end from page in the black is „script error“. I play all games with iPad. All the other games, which I play, are ok.• Hangi browseri kullaniyorsun?
Safari v13.1
Rapor geçmişi
chaosqueen • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Nis 19 th 2021 16:11 • F5 is not on iPad
I have a Screenshot, but I don‘t understand imgur! My English is very basic.
It is impossible, play this Game!
I have a Screenshot, but I don‘t understand imgur! My English is very basic.
It is impossible, play this Game!
Byeongwoo • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Nis 23 rd 2021 3:18 • Same on chrome at mobile (galaxy s21)
timminger74 • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Nis 25 th 2021 20:27 • I couldnt start the game on my laptop "Windows 10" , i tried later with my iPad and it worked
Plodder24 • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Nis 29 th 2021 1:58 • Same thing using iPad with chrome and explorer
tasajara • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Nis 30 th 2021 5:45 • My friend is on an ipad using Safari and cannot load the game as well. boardgamearena.com/9/arnak?table=168420909
How do we cancel the game?
How do we cancel the game?
Spielhase • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Nis 30 th 2021 12:33 • the game was not loaded properly. could see the moonthing but then it said is loading and nothing more happend. I couldnt reach the right corner above to quit the game together with my partner so I had to leave and get a bad reputatiion :-(
tryed again and the same...
playing on Mac with safari
tryed again and the same...
playing on Mac with safari
Marc1077 • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
May 3 rd 2021 15:33 • I have the same Problem...yesterday und today again
philthedisc • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
May 7 th 2021 20:29 • The game does not load Application on my mac mini using Safari. I appear offline to other players too.
lordezael • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
May 11 th 2021 7:34 • It opens the game without problems on PC (WIN) but does not even start to load using the app with the smartphone (Android).
DexterHugo • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
May 16 th 2021 18:29 • Hi, I've been having the same problems on my iPad Pro using Safari. I've noticed two new behaviors in the recents days. Either the "opening box" graphic stays up a very long time, or the screen opens and they loading game history progressbar doesn't progress by much. But-I've noticed too that if I swipe Safari to the background and then reopen it (so, not closing/refreshing the page, but simply moving Safari to the background and then foreground again) - then the progressbar finally starts loading or the opening box art disappears. If I force a refresh of the page, the problem just repeats itself. This previously wasn't an issue on my iPad Pro.
MrFlanagan • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
May 20 th 2021 23:17 • The game doesnt load on my android phone.
Pomeroy • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
May 27 th 2021 18:27 • My game of Lost Ruins of Arnak ( table # 175632184 ) hasn’t been able to load on my iPad. DunMax (my opponent) was able to load the game on her computer and was able to initiate a mutual cancellation of this game which isn’t available on my computer. Please cancel this game. Thanks
BoltKey • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
May 27 th 2021 22:23 • Hi, I just rewrote some code that made the game only 90% compatible, could someone who was having issues verify it works now?
cksaar • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
May 27 th 2021 22:45 • My game doesn’t start on my iPad too. It only says that the game is loading. Table #175738037
kde131177 • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
May 31 st 2021 21:02 • Same issue on iPad Pro 10, iOS version 13.6.1.
When entering any game, there's an empty background displayed with 2 messages:
"Application loading..." and "Connecting to your game".
The game menu is inaccessible as well.
My other device (iPhone SE 2, iOS 14.4.2) doesn't have this issue though.
When entering any game, there's an empty background displayed with 2 messages:
"Application loading..." and "Connecting to your game".
The game menu is inaccessible as well.
My other device (iPhone SE 2, iOS 14.4.2) doesn't have this issue though.
ibejohn25 • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Haz 8 th 2021 17:17 • Tried to play the game twice but had to give up, before starting to play, due to frequently having to reload the game.
When viewed in one of viewing modes could not see main board.
Using an 8Mb kindle fire with about 800k of free storage.
When viewed in one of viewing modes could not see main board.
Using an 8Mb kindle fire with about 800k of free storage.
chaosqueen • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Haz 9 th 2021 1:30 • I try to view the game Arnak, when other Player play this. It is also impossible on my iPad with Safari I See only the „1“ and the „stab“ between the cards. The cards and all other things I see not.
The game is loaded and nothing happens.
I wood like play this game, but it is impossible!
The game is loaded and nothing happens.
I wood like play this game, but it is impossible!
chaosqueen • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Haz 9 th 2021 1:49 • When I click on actualize the screen, then I see the game kist for a second and then nothing.
DexterHugo • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Tem 5 th 2021 15:41 • Just fyi, the rewrite has been a huge help for me on an ipad pro. It never hangs and live games work flawlessly
Johan IV • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Tem 12 th 2021 22:58 • I started up a new game and it consistently* had a db-error at start. However, the advice to reload via an F5 worked.
*I opened the game three times before I attempted the reload.
I use MS Edge
*I opened the game three times before I attempted the reload.
I use MS Edge
jeremyntodd • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Tem 13 th 2021 5:30 • I tried playing with a friend. The screen loaded properly at the beginning on her end, however, on my end it was mostly blank, showing the wooden background with a large floating "1" and a couple floating cards in the middle of the screen. We had to quit because it never fully loaded. We tried again and the exact same issue happened.
SilentSword225 • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Tem 19 th 2021 16:28 • two game is a row, got stuck at the connecting to game screen. host sees game all others players cannot. Using a Mac. F5 did not work.
Lost some rep from timing out.
So the game was running with me in it just not connecting my end.
Lost some rep from timing out.
So the game was running with me in it just not connecting my end.
tawashi1 • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Eyl 14 th 2021 3:25 • Maybe this bug happens when all players are not premium members and the advertisement appeared..
In my experience
In my experience
tmdba37 • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Eyl 16 th 2021 18:07 • This happened to me today. In arena. The game didn't load properly. . .gave me no audible warning or confirmation and said I left the game. I was sitting at the desk the entire time.
Chries • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Eyl 27 th 2021 9:40 • Happened to me using IPad Air both with Safari and Chrome yesterday with two games #204790047 and #204797954.
Some fragments load, but no board and no pieces. It seems it happens always when I play with IPad Air
Some fragments load, but no board and no pieces. It seems it happens always when I play with IPad Air
MiGRO • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Kas 13 th 2021 21:41 • I have the same issue as above - using Safari on a Mac. Game is stuck showing "Application loading... Go back
Connecting to your game..."
Tried refreshing, going out and back in, restarting laptop - no improvement.
What do I do now?
Safari v13.1.2
Connecting to your game..."
Tried refreshing, going out and back in, restarting laptop - no improvement.
What do I do now?
Safari v13.1.2
Marion38100 • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Ara 4 th 2021 9:33 • Je n'ai jamais eu accès à l'interface du jeu. Mon adversaire qui était un ami, avait le plateau de jeu devant lui, ce qui n'était pas mon cas. Nous avons essayé 3 fois ce qui m'a fait perdre 50 points de karma alors que ma réputation était parfaite. La touche F5 n'a jamais fonctionné ni mes tentatives de me déconnecter et de me reconnecter.Mon ami a essayé de prendre l'option "abandonner collectivement" mais il était marqué pour lui que je n'étais pas d'accord alors que je n'ai pas eu accès à cette fonction. Je trouve dur de perdre 50 points alors que c'est le jeu qui était défaillant, que je n'ai jamais abandonné une seule partie depuis deux ans que je suis sur game board Arena.
EndlessTheTears • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Ara 28 th 2021 14:22 • Before, it usually took me 10-20 minutes to load the game then I get penalty karma with bad reputation. Then I realize a solution, I try to come an in-progress game wait 20 minutes loading, when it done, I start to play new game. It works. However today, it doesn't work. The game cannot loaded. I will try again.
Eilof42 • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Oca 29 th 2022 10:27 • The game walked well under Ipad.
But a few days ago, after a update of my Ipad, the game can’t longer load, even after a refreshing.
I can’t play Arnak anymore…
It’s my favorite game, i’m disapointed.
Can you help me ?
But a few days ago, after a update of my Ipad, the game can’t longer load, even after a refreshing.
I can’t play Arnak anymore…
It’s my favorite game, i’m disapointed.
Can you help me ?
zebulon35 • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Şub 20 th 2022 8:14 • impossible d'ouvrir la boite !!!
Thenamed • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Mar 11 th 2022 14:17 • #249342686
Last_Worder • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Tem 27 th 2022 9:14 •
bstutz87 • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Eki 12 th 2022 20:30 • Every time I play turn base on my mobile it is very hard to play and does not load all the time and crashes.
bstutz87 • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Eki 12 th 2022 20:33 • imgur.com/a/BpsaXzI
This is a screen shot of what happens and I can’t see the board and have to refresh multiple times. Only on mobile is it like this for me. Many other games I play don’t have this problem
This is a screen shot of what happens and I can’t see the board and have to refresh multiple times. Only on mobile is it like this for me. Many other games I play don’t have this problem
zhenchin • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Eki 13 th 2022 15:41 • F5 can solve but let loading too long to be kicked or abandoned the problems happed more than 5times
Hares ear • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Kas 18 th 2022 9:12 • Les éléments graphiques du jeu comme le plateau principal ou le plateau individuel ne se sont pas affichés m'empêchant de réaliser les actions. J'ai été expulsé de la table
tigrozavrik • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Kas 23 rd 2022 17:03 • Стало не доступным нажатие на самолет на планшете игрока (побежденный страж), перезагрузка страницы не помогла..в результате просто выкинули из игры(((
disdasbord • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Kas 29 th 2022 7:06 • x.boardgamearena.net/data/themereleases/221124-1000/js/modules/nls/lang_mainsite-20221128
Experienced three times resulting in karma reductions. The above one says missing module.
Tried refreshing several times. It reloads with missing, but taking long to complete game art. The last two I'm able to get it, but is too late I either got kicked out/expelled, or I got in, but too late to make moves.
Experienced three times resulting in karma reductions. The above one says missing module.
Tried refreshing several times. It reloads with missing, but taking long to complete game art. The last two I'm able to get it, but is too late I either got kicked out/expelled, or I got in, but too late to make moves.
bboomslang • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Şub 26 th 2023 7:23 • I’m seeing the same issue as above, on both web and mobile though mobile was definitely worse. I liked the game but this issue makes it unplayable on BGA.
Rahxjin • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
May 15 th 2023 16:26 • loading stun at 92%, and said "art problem".
TheaLuna • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Haz 9 th 2023 0:03 • AzuI did not Ioad in Arena. I was booted and Iost 10 Karma points.
Doticus • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Tem 19 th 2023 13:23 • Same issues when loading Space Base on my phone. Happened several times yesterday and today.
Flebous • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Tem 26 th 2023 14:04 • cant start the game, some module didnt load. tried on the phone and on pc, on safari, edge, and firefox. my friend could access the game, and i could see the board as an observer, but after logging in the site, the game wouldnt load.
Flebous • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Tem 26 th 2023 20:09 • Board Game Arena troubleshooting 2/3 : testing basic stuff
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Hamm • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
May 1 st 2024 3:35 • not loaded!,,,,
gotthedancebug • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
May 23 rd 2024 22:33 • Said it was loading. Got to 51%, then said that I was expelled.
hanabifanabi • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Tem 26 th 2024 9:43 • CRITICAL BUG!
every single lost ruins game requires nearly everyone (mostly non-premium players) to refresh 2-3 times before everything is properly loaded. a lot of people end up zero-ing out their clocks because of it not properly showing who's turn it is and/or player being unable to interact with the game-board before refreshing 2-3 times. I forgot to remind players in my last game to refresh resulting in someone clocking out and getting expelled once again.
this is causing many players to unfairly get karma penalty's. (and i'm sick of having to remember to refresh and remind others every game) (sometimes causing me to play other games/websites instead) with it being one of the top advertised game on the website it doesn't look good at all when the first game someone plays on BGA website seems unplayable(when actually it just requires a couple refresh's but they don't know that).
every single lost ruins game requires nearly everyone (mostly non-premium players) to refresh 2-3 times before everything is properly loaded. a lot of people end up zero-ing out their clocks because of it not properly showing who's turn it is and/or player being unable to interact with the game-board before refreshing 2-3 times. I forgot to remind players in my last game to refresh resulting in someone clocking out and getting expelled once again.
this is causing many players to unfairly get karma penalty's. (and i'm sick of having to remember to refresh and remind others every game) (sometimes causing me to play other games/websites instead) with it being one of the top advertised game on the website it doesn't look good at all when the first game someone plays on BGA website seems unplayable(when actually it just requires a couple refresh's but they don't know that).
takeoky • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Ağu 2 nd 2024 14:24 • The game board does not load and they have kicked me out of the game because I could not access it, nor has refreshing the screen had any effect
KuWizard • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Kas 25 th 2024 20:31 • If anyone could share their exact environment, I would be really appreciate. I couldn't reproduce that ever in Studio and on Production. I've played couple of dozens Arnak games and never had this problem. I would suggest this is something related to iOS? However I tried on iPad and iPhone in Safari and it works. Please share what device and browser do you use to reproduce that. Along with table numbers (however I don't think it matters)
touki charlie0111 • Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Oca 28 th 2025 6:32 • This article is posted using a translator.
When I tried to start the game, an unexpected error screen appeared and I was unable to enter the game. My rating of 100 has dropped to 70.
Could you please return my rating?
When I tried to start the game, an unexpected error screen appeared and I was unable to enter the game. My rating of 100 has dropped to 70.
Could you please return my rating?
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