Bütün Raporlar
Downforce Raporlar
#77035: "wrong placement of cars on second betting"
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Kural: Oyunun bir kurali bu oyunda ihlal edildi
Detayli tanim
• Kuralların hangi kısmına BGA adaptasyonu tarafından saygı gösterilmedi
Red car was in 3rd position when second betting happened. but game showed it as 2nd• Kural ihlali oyun tekrarında görünür mü? Eğer evet ise, hangi hareket numarası?
yes, in both final score and second betting• Hangi browseri kullaniyorsun?
Google Chrome v108
Rapor geçmişi
IOIIIIIOI • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Ara 5 th 2022 6:52 • Red car was in 3rd position when second betting happened. but game showed it as 2nd
IOIIIIIOI • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Ara 5 th 2022 6:54 •
Ara 12 th 2022 10:08 • Move #91 ---> #94
even in the report it shows both orange and red on 2nd position which is not possible
even in the report it shows both orange and red on 2nd position which is not possible
Lymon Flowers • Hata geliştiriciler tarafından onaylandı:
Oca 23 rd 2023 11:29 • Confirmed. This was some mislabelling of the forward space. Fixed in my local copy, will push it soon in BGA.
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