Şub 10 th 2023 13:04 •
FuriaAmberdale •
Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Reload did not help
Şub 10 th 2023 13:08 •
FuriaAmberdale •
Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
It is not only the seeds. I cannot "buy" the trees either
Şub 10 th 2023 14:43 •
darhf •
Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Thanks for the report;
Can you tell me what device and browser you use ?
Şub 10 th 2023 14:48 •
FuriaAmberdale •
Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
It is a Samsung device and I am using the "app". Sorry, I don't know the proper terms
Şub 10 th 2023 15:41 •
darhf •
Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
I cannot reproduce on my device, could share a screenshot ?
Mar 11 th 2023 10:16 •
Baron Frog •
Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
I have the same problem. Using Chrome on Android phone. Can't select anything from my player board.
Mar 11 th 2023 10:26 •
darhf •
Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Can any of you share a screenshot when it happens ?
Mar 15 th 2023 8:56 •
Nyom7 •
Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
IOS user (using both Safari and the webpage saved to my homescreen). I also cannot select anything on my player board to be able to make it available to the play on the main board. When tapping (short/long) nothing happens, double tapping just slightly zooms in or out of my screen. So far nothing I have tried has worked. Nothing visually changes. For example, I currently have 3 light points in a game. I have all my seeds available on my player board but not in my available player area (ie next to my player board). I therefore should be able to select a seed to pay the 1 light point to make it available so that I can then put it on the main board. However, it’s almost like the player board isn’t interactive - like it’s just a picture. So, just like a picture, tapping/otherwise interacting with it just results in either nothing happening or the image/screen zooming in/out a bit. Tried several times on different tables to select things on my player board to make them available to play on my phone, it has never worked. The main board is not an issue and works great.
Mar 15 th 2023 9:06 •
darhf •
Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Still, a screenshot would help me greatly :)
Mar 15 th 2023 22:53 •
darhf •
Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Are you by chance trying to click on the player board in the player panels (above the white banner) ?
They are here for information, the "real" player board is displayed below.
Mar 31 st 2023 4:54 •
ruaidhri •
Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
I am also having this issue (using the Android app)
When I press on the card it shrinks, even when I zoom in, and nothing responds (like nyom7 said above, not interactive)
May 4 th 2023 15:05 •
Zero_1627 •
Geliştiriciler tarafından bu hatayı yeniden üretmek için daha fazla bilgi isteniyor:
Are You sure You're not looking at infoboard, like @darhf suggested? I am playing primarily using Android and encountered no difficulty. But actual player board (from which game pieces are bought) is *below* main board, so You have to scroll down to get there - immediately visible is infographisc, with *NO* item buying functionality.