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Citadels Raporlar
#83491: "Assassinated player should not be revealed"
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Öneri: Bence aşağıdakiler oyunun uygulanmasını büyük ölçüde artıracaktı.
Detayli tanim
• Lütfen önerinizi tam ve net olarak açıklayın, böylece ne demek istediğinizi mümkün olduğunca kolay anlayabiliriz.
As I recall, the rules say if the assassin kills, say, the Merchant (6, as in my game) that role should just be skipped. In this way, I (Architect, 7) don't know if the remaining player is the Warlord (8) or the assassinated Merchant (6). In my game, it shows the player's username above above the Merchant, in addition to the assassin symbol below showing the character was killed. The symbol should remain, perhaps covering the name, if that is easier to code.• Hangi browseri kullaniyorsun?
Google Chrome v110
Rapor geçmişi
BibleandboardGames • Bu öneri henüz geliştiriciler tarafından analiz edilmedi:
Mar 14 th 2023 19:24 • snipboard.io/gCHq0w.jpg
I tried to link to the rules, but the link on Z-MAN's website wasn't working.
I tried to link to the rules, but the link on Z-MAN's website wasn't working.
Tricuspa • Bu öneri henüz geliştiriciler tarafından analiz edilmedi:
Şub 21 st 2024 8:49 • Player affected is the Magician's Ability
Assassin always kills the "Role" who that player was is not announced but it could be listed after the turn is over for "guilty" conscience which I feel is another aspect of the game, perhaps an option of "Conscience"
Currently the Assassin is only listed at killing the role from my game played, and you don't see who you affected in asynchronous play.
Assassin always kills the "Role" who that player was is not announced but it could be listed after the turn is over for "guilty" conscience which I feel is another aspect of the game, perhaps an option of "Conscience"
Currently the Assassin is only listed at killing the role from my game played, and you don't see who you affected in asynchronous play.
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