Bütün Raporlar
Photosynthesis Raporlar
#83961: "Improve readability by making all the different numbers more distinct + add contextual tips"
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Öneri: Bence aşağıdakiler oyunun uygulanmasını büyük ölçüde artıracaktı.
Detayli tanim
• Lütfen önerinizi tam ve net olarak açıklayın, böylece ne demek istediğinizi mümkün olduğunca kolay anlayabiliriz.
There are a lot of numbers all over the screen (pool, player board and the opponent "reminder" boards, ...).
It is not easy to distinguish them: they are almost all in circle, with same font, foreground & background colors.
It would be helpful - especially for new players - to have at contextual tips showing up when you hover over each of these numbers, so they know what those are abouts.
In addition, adding some color or shape differentiation will help readibility of the screen• Hangi browseri kullaniyorsun?
Google Chrome v111
Rapor geçmişi
Mar 22 nd 2023 10:29 •
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