Bütün Raporlar
canvas_displayed Raporlar
#92864: "Simmetry did not score properly"
fixed: Hata düzeltildi
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2 matching symbols in red and purple ou in yellow and blue. I respected both conditions but only won one token instead of two• Kural ihlali oyun tekrarında görünür mü? Eğer evet ise, hangi hareket numarası?
11 and 15• Hangi browseri kullaniyorsun?
Google Chrome v114
Rapor geçmişi
Didule • Hata olusumu yapimcilar tarafindan tekrarlanamadi. :
Tem 8 th 2023 17:02 •
Tem 8 th 2023 20:50 • The problem occured everytime we completed a painting respecting both conditions .
pandarouxdedoudou • Hata düzeltildi:
Ağu 20 th 2023 0:14 • table #409059899 n°45 symmetry didn't work despite the fact i have the same item in yellow and blue
jordijansen • Hata düzeltildi:
Ağu 20 th 2023 9:17 • You already scored the maximum ribbons for symmetry with your first two paintings. You can't gain more ribbons if you've reached the max for a scoring card.
Bip Roberts • Hata düzeltildi:
Eyl 16 th 2023 1:34 • boardgamearena.com/3/canvas?table=415670014
This same problem just happened to me. (Bip Roberts, Gray player). I just scored 2 blue ribbons for symmetry on a single painting. This should have been worth 3 + 6 points, but I only got credit for 3.
This same problem just happened to me. (Bip Roberts, Gray player). I just scored 2 blue ribbons for symmetry on a single painting. This should have been worth 3 + 6 points, but I only got credit for 3.
jordijansen • Hata düzeltildi:
Eyl 16 th 2023 7:59 • You scored two for that painting and that is correct. You now have 3 total blue ribbons which scores 6 points at the end of the game. If you gain a fourth one (maximum) with your last painting you will gain more points.
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