Dinosaur Tea Party
Yılın en çok aranan davetiyesi: Dinoton Manastırı ikindi çayı için. Şimdi hepiniz süslenmişsiniz ve biraz çay ve gevezelik için hazırsınız. Bir sorun: Kimsenin adını hatırlayamıyorsunuz. Kim o, süslü broşunu evcil tavuğuyla mı oynuyor? Jeannine mi? Beatriz? Ah hayatım. Dikkatli olmazsan, herkesin dedikodu yapacağı bir sahtekarlık yapacaksın.
Dinozor Çay Partisi, yaklaşık 15 dakika içinde oynanan 3-5 oyuncu için medeni bir kesinti oyunudur. Her oyuncu, dino konuklarından birine karşılık gelen bir kart alır. Oyuncular sırayla birbirlerine sorular sorar veya dinozorlarının adını tahmin ederler. Birisi adınızı tahmin ederse, yeni bir kart çekin. Üç isim tahmin eden ilk oyuncu oyunu kazanır. Ama dikkat et. Üç tuhaf tuhaflık, melondaki brachiosaurus'un Carlton veya Quinton olup olmadığından emin olamayacağınız anlamına gelir.
Oyuncu sayisi: 3 - 5
Oyun süresi: 16 mn
karmaşıklık: 1 / 5
Dinosaur Tea Party ve 1003 başka oyun online oyna.
İndirmeye gerek yok, direkt web tarayıcın üzerinden oynanabilir.
Arkadaşların ve dünyadaki binlerce oyuncuyla.
Dinosaur Tea Party ve 1003 başka oyun online oyna.
İndirmeye gerek yok, direkt web tarayıcın üzerinden oynanabilir.
Arkadaşların ve dünyadaki binlerce oyuncuyla.
Kisa kural
Be the first to collect three sugar cubes by guessing three of the guests’ names. The first player to do so is the winner.
All of the dinosaurs at the party have certain traits shown on the bottom of their tiles and on their cards. The traits are: In a GREEN, PURPLE, or ORANGE room. STRIPED or SPOTTED skin (or neither). EATING or DRINKING (or neither). Wearing GLASSES, a FLOWER, a HAT, and/or JEWELRY. With a PET. Showing SPIKES, a TAIL, or TEETH.
Game play
On your turn, either inquire about a guest or guess their name.
1. Politely ask another guest if they have a certain trait. Example: “Hello, luv. Wonderful party, isn’t it? Are you, perchance, wearing a hat?”
2. Your chosen guest will answer YES or NO. Example: “Oh, heavens no, I don’t have the face for a hat.” The guest takes that trait token from their pile and puts it in front of them, showing the YES or NO side.
3. If the guest answers yes, you get another turn! You may inquire or guess the name of the same guest or a different guest. If the guest’s answer is no, your turn is over.
Guess the Name
1. Ask the guest’s name. Example: “We lunched at Dalton’s last fall, didn’t we? Your name is Yorick?” They must answer YES or NO honestly (even if they have a quirk).
2. If your guess was incorrect, your turn is over. Try not to be too embarrassed about your faux pas.
3. If your guess was correct, take a sugar cube from the pile! If you have three sugar cubes, you win the game! Otherwise, the other player discards their dinosaur card, turns the matching dinosaur tile face down, removes all trait tokens in front of them, and draws a new dinosaur card. They now play the new dinosaur. Your turn is over.
Beware: some dinosaurs have quirks that might cause them to give false answers! Dinosaurs with quirks always answer the way their quirk says when someone inquires about a trait. (The quirks do NOT apply when someone guesses their name.)
-"Always says NO" Always answer NO when a player inquires if you have a trait, even if the correct answer is yes.
-"Always lies": Always answer falsely when another player asks if you have a trait. If your answer would normally be YES, you must answer NO, and vice versa.
-"Switches answers": Answer either YES or NO to the first question asked to you, no matter what the correct answer is. After that, always answer opposite what your prior answer was. Example: “Yes, no, yes, no, etc.”
Game variants
Normal game
All the questions result in a token put down, correct or incorrect.
Clever mode
If you want a more challenging game, use this variant. When an answer is NO, no token is put down, so the players will have to remember the NO answers.