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Masa ayarları

Oyun modu
Normal mod
Oyun Hızı
Tur-bazlı • belirlenmis zaman limitli
Her oyuncuya ayrılan süre
7 gün
Oynanilen oyun saati
Günde 24 Saat ( oyun saati degil)
Board size
Opening rule

Oyun sonucu



Oyun istatistiklerini görmek için Premium'a geçin

Oyun süresi
Ortalama oyun sevyesi
Ortalama puan
Number of turns
Oyun sonucu 1. (1)2. (0)
Düsünme süresi masked dkmasked dk
Number of turns maskedmasked
6x7: Switched colors maskedmasked
6x7: First player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
6x7: Second player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
6x7: First player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
6x7: Second player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
6x7: Tentative first player win % (switch) maskedmasked
6x7: Tentative second player win % (switch) maskedmasked
8x9: Switched colors maskedmasked
8x9: First player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
8x9: Second player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
8x9: First player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
8x9: Second player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
8x9: Tentative first player win % (switch) maskedmasked
8x9: Tentative second player win % (switch) maskedmasked
9x8: Switched colors maskedmasked
9x8: First player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
9x8: Second player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
9x8: First player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
9x8: Second player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
9x8: Tentative first player win % (switch) maskedmasked
9x8: Tentative second player win % (switch) maskedmasked
9x9: Switched colors maskedmasked
9x9: First player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
9x9: Second player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
9x9: First player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
9x9: Second player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
9x9: Tentative first player win % (switch) maskedmasked
9x9: Tentative second player win % (switch) maskedmasked
10x10: Switched colors maskedmasked
10x10: First player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
10x10: Second player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
10x10: First player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
10x10: Second player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
10x10: Tentative first player win % (switch) maskedmasked
10x10: Tentative second player win % (switch) maskedmasked
Tüm istatistikler
lenaaclairee oyuncusunun bu oyundaki istatistikleri
vibic oyuncusunun bu oyundaki istatistikleri

Masa ayarları

Oyun modu
Normal mod
Oyun Hızı
Tur-bazlı • belirlenmis zaman limitli
Sıra başına +0:00 (en fazla 0:00)
Her oyuncuya ayrılan süre
7 gün
Oynanilen oyun saati
Günde 24 Saat ( oyun saati degil)
Board size
Opening rule

Burda olan oyuncular

Oyun bilgisi

Nasil calisir ?

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Versiyon :


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